Tip Top Voucher

BRAND : Tip Top
Worth SGD 10.00
UP Points 1,000

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Cash Voucher for Tip Top worth $10

  1. To redeem your e-voucher, you may visit any of the participating outlets as listed above
  2. The e-voucher is valid as per date mentioned on the e-voucher.
  3. The expiry date of the e-voucher cannot be extended or amended upon issuance
  4. Offer/promotion cannot be exchanged for other products or in cash, other than the one stated on the e-voucher
  5. Printed or downloaded vouchers will not be accepted
  6. Should you have any queries pertaining to the redemption of the e-voucher, kindly email to support@united-points.com
  7. COVID-19 Advisory: Users must observe the safe distancing measures set forth by the Singapore Government during redemption at the participating outlets

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